very rarely


very rarely_really英语

鑻辫:it is very rarely that one comes across a dead body 杩欓噷鐨剉 —— 原句 是 one comes across a dead body very rarely.对状语强调it is very rarely that one comes across a dead body very是副词 修饰副词是可以的。有趣的是这句话 把rarely 改成形容词也是对的。it is very rare that one comes across a dead body 但这就不是强调句型了 。这是that从

鑻辫 鑻辫CET4 澶у鑻辫 Very rarely do any v —— rarely是否定词,放在句首,句子半倒装,助动词do提前,其它部分不变。否定词提前主要是其强调作用,强调“很少发生”暴力犯罪实际上很少发生。

鑻辫:杩欎釜涓昏浠庡彞濡傛灉涓嶇敤it浣滃厛琛屼富璇殑璇濊鎬庝箞鍐欏憿? —— 你的那个that开头的句子是不对的,那样就变成从句了,是不能当一个完整的句子的 如果这句话要改写,可以改成 The occasion that one comes across a dead body is very rare.如果还有问题,问我哦~

l very rarely get cold鐨勭炕璇 —— 绛旓細鎴戞瀬灏戞偅鎰熷啋銆

千载难逢的英文 —— 【1】occuring only once in a thousand years 【2】once in a blue

mooncake是什么?(翻译成英语) —— 绛旓細Most mooncakes consist of a thin, tender pastry skin enveloping a sweet, dense filling, and may contain one or more whole salted egg yolks in their center as the symbol of the full moon. Very rarely, mooncakes are also served steamed or fried.Traditional mooncakes have an imprint

一句英语翻译,快!! —— 绛旓細I am very shy and I seldom talk with other people. so if i don't talk with you ,that doesn't mean i hate you.

英语,总结修饰形容词,副词原级的副词 —— 英语,总结修饰形容词,副词原级的副词例:rather、too、so【我写出来了的不要】原级还有very、quiet还要比较级、最高级的比较级:much、even、far、alittle、abit、still、alot最高级 英语,总结修饰形容词,副词原级的副词例:rather、too、so【我写出来了的不要】原级还有very、quiet还要比较级、最高级的比较级

hardly/ rarely有什么区别? —— 接下来让我们看下hardly和rarely的其他区别:1. 频率程度:- hardly:极少发生,接近不可能 - rarely:不经常发生,但也不算完全不可能 例句:- He hardly ever goes to the gym, so he's not in very good shape.他很少去健身房,所以身材不算好。- I rarely eat fast food, but I'll

allergic reaction鏄粈涔堟剰鎬 —— allergic reaction[英][əˈlɜ:dʒɪk riˈækʃən][美][əˈlədʒɪk riˈækʃən]变态反应;例句:1.Very rarely, side effects are serious, such as an allergic reaction.极少数